Saturday, August 31, 2019

New Balance Athletic Shoes Case

Operations Management and Management Science Case Study Capacity Planning New Balance Athletic Shoes Summary James Davis is the president and general manager of New Balance Athletic Shoes. The Boston, Massachusetts based company began producing corrective shoes and arch supports in 1906. New Balance garnered a reputation for quality specialty footwear when in the 1950's it began producing running shoes for men. It is the beginning of 1978 and Mr. Davis has a number of important decisions to make regarding the future of his growing company. In recent years the demand for running shoes has experienced explosive growth.The increasing popularity of the sport of running requires James Davis to carefully evaluate the accuracy of the company's sales forecast. Mr. Davis knows that precise forecasting is the key to providing good-quality service by meeting customer demand. Another effect of increasing demand on New Balance is the necessity for expansion. Mr. Davis must evaluate a number of op tions for expanding production capacity in order to meet increased demand for his company's products. This report will attempt to offer James Davis sound advice in regards to the evaluation of sales forecasts and expansion options. We will also present Mr.Davis with an alternate sales forecast and an evaluation of New Balance's sales representative network. Analysis: Upon reviewing New Balance's 1978-1981 domestic sales forecast, it is decided that James Davis may have reason to be apprehensive. Davis needs to be sure that the forecasted sales increases, which range from 117% to 286% of 1977's sales, are truly warranted. Although Davis knows that demand for running shoes is skyrocketing, he should also know that that does not guarantee sales. The maturing preferences of the shoe consumer have been evident in the ever changing ratings of Runner's World magazine's top ten shoes.Upon reviewing the lists of top ten shoes we realized that product development is not only a key to New Bala nce's success, but is also a key to success for a majority of its competitors. While only 2 of the top 10 running shoes of 1975 were introduced within a year of being rated, the following two years of ratings were filled with a majority of newly developed products. The 1976 ratings listed 7 of 10 running shoes which had been introduced within a year of being rated, and the 1977 ratings listed 6 of 10 running shoes which had been introduced within a year of being rated as well as 1 of the 10 that had been substantially redesigned.The achievement of new products in Runner's World magazine's rankings proves that product development is going to be one of the biggest keys to New Balance's future success. While New Balance has a reputation for producing quality footwear, we must urge Mr. Davis to insure that his company remains on the leading edge of running shoe development. In the past, New Balance has been able to distinguish itself by offering its shoes in varying widths. While making varying widths available has set the company apart from its competition in the past, we predict that it will eventually become an industry standard.Much of the recent success of New Balance was due to the rave reviews of the newly developed 320. New Balance product designers, working in unison with a world-class distance runner, found that a built up heel wedge and midsole greatly improved the comfort of the shoe. The design team also reduced the sole thickness of the 320, which in turn reduced the shoe weight and thus the runner's level of fatigue associated with their footwear. These are the innovations that New Balance must continue to excel in if it wishes to meet its forecasted sales.Development of new shoe designs and the use of new materials will allow New Balance to produce the lighter and more flexible shoes the running public desires. Another product development related recommendation we would like to make to New Balance is in regards to its competition. New Balance can n o longer be content following industry leaders such as Adidas and Nike. Although the two large shoe manufacturers produce nearly 70% of the product available, smaller companies such as New Balance, Brooks, and Etonic have been able to make enormous headway into the market.Adidas and Nike, being larger more top heavy corporations, will naturally have longer time periods between research and development and product release. We suggest that New Balance take advantage of its smaller size by releasing the types of new products previously detailed at a faster pace than their larger competitors. It is in this area that we feel New Balance's demand forecast is flawed. The forecast's short term reliance on current products in the company's shoe line is an error that may cause New Balance sales. As evidenced by the average two year appearance in Runner's World ratings, the life span of a running shoe is short.We do not believe that New Balance can rely on the 320 to carry sales until their ne w trainer is available (;1yr. ) to gain market share. New Balance needs to rapidly release newly developed, state of the art running shoes prior to both industry leaders to put the company in a position to capture additional market share. In addition to believing that New Balance's product mix has been forecasted incorrectly, we also contend that it has been somewhat overestimated. The following alternate demand forecast estimates overall market demand, as well as demand estimates for specific consumer categories.Please take note of the assumptions that were made in the creation of the forecast. Next, we look at New Balance's sales representative network and its relationship to the company's production facility location. The most important aspects to note concerning New Balance's distribution, is the over representation in the northeast, and the under representation in the West. While New Balance has been able to maintain a strong market share in the northeast where a majority of it s sales representatives are located, the company's market share is low in the west where the largest portion of the running shoe market is located.Due to this under representation, the western sales region represents a great deal of untapped potential for the company. Although having its production facility located in the northeast has helped New Balance build up its market share in that particular region, the company should consider the advantage of having a more westward located facility to help strengthen its presence in the region. Finally, we are going to address New Balance's various options for capacity expansion.In addition to running a second shift, alternate sites for new facilities have been located in Lawrence, Massachusetts, the state of Texas, and the country of Ireland. The following table details the financial aspects associated with each expansion option. Beginning with the option of starting a second shift, you can see that Mr. Davis' belief that this option is not viable holds true. On the one hand, a second shift is not the best financial decision for New Balance because of both higher expenses (Labor Cost), and lower projected earnings due to lower capacity (1500).On the other hand, a second shift is not the best option from a human relations perspective. Mr. Davis has made mention of various concerns regarding company employees such as finding good stitchers and supervisors, keeping morale high, and preventing unionization. Mr. Davis has also located an available production facility in Ireland. This site does have the advantage of having a lower labor cost, a lower facility cost, lower equipment costs, and savings from both a tax holiday and available grants. While the Ireland location does have certain benefits, there are a number of critical drawbacks.The negative aspects of the Ireland facility are a slightly lower capacity potential, and very costly international freight costs. Both of these factors greatly reduce Irelands estimated a fter tax earnings, and are the reasons we are recommending Ireland as the second worst choice for New Balance. The next site to be considered is the Lawrence facility. This location has qualities that should appeal to New Balance. The Lawrence site is the largest of the company's options, has local government willing to offer relocation assistance, and is close to the Everett St. ocation and its network of material suppliers. In addition to these qualities; it has been found that there are a number of local experienced shoe workers in need of work. Although these factors make Lawrence attractive to the company, they are offset by the site's shortcomings. Lawrence has a higher labor costs, moderate rental costs, a short lease term, and a high state tax liability which makes the site the second best choice for New Balance. Texas remains as the last site evaluated, and is the recommended site for New Balance.Although there are some negative aspects in regards to Texas, such as higher m aterials and overhead costs as well as higher rental costs, they are outweighed by the sites positive points. While moderate labor costs, the absence of state taxes on corporate income and the availability of skilled workers are all good reasons to recommend Texas, it is its westward location which is the key to Texas' potential. As mentioned earlier, New Balances lack of presence in the west is costing the company potential market share in an area highly populated with runners.Having a centrally located production facility will no doubt improve its Texas and west coast market shares. Conclusion: From the above analysis, we draw the following conclusions: 1. New Balance's sales forecast is overestimated and their forecasted product mix is in error. The company should use the alternate forecast provided. Additionally, New Balance should rely less on its current shoe models by working towards more rapid product development. 2. In order to develop an accurate demand forecast, particula r attention should be paid to the expected growth of both serious and women runners. . There is an effect on regional market share based on the location of the production facility. If New Balance would like to increase market share in regions other than its own it should seriously consider a more westward production facility. 4. After taking both financial and non-financial aspects into consideration, the opening of a Texas facility is recommended. Another benefit of having an additional production facility located in Texas will be the company's ability to fulfill the previously mentioned lack of western regional market share.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Eddie loves Catherine Essay

The reason why Eddie loved Catherine so much is because she knew everything about him and had the qualities that Eddie liked. Eddie treated her like a child because he did not want he to realise that she was growing up. Eddie liked this because he could have control over her. At this point this is when the audience realises that Eddie has no hopes except from the hopes of having a woman he can never have. The audience may think that Eddie is selfish because he will not let Catherine lead her own life. By looking at the way eddies personality changes I think that he is having a mid-life crisis. There are different types of relationships in the play: The relationship with Eddie and Catherine is incestuous love. The relationship between Beatrice and Eddie is platonic love. The relationship between Rodolpho and Eddie is they are like rivals trying to get Catherine. The relationship between Marco and Eddie is hatred. The relationship between Alfieri and Eddie that Alfieri is eddies lawyer. I feel that Catherine is partly to blame because she knew everything about Eddie and so she should have realised his feeling to wards her. Also she should have not acted like a child all the time allowing Eddie to have control over her. I feel sorry for Marco because he is a good person trying to give his family a good future but Eddie destroys his plans. I also feel sorry for Rodolpho because he done what everyone does, falls in love. We can tell that he is a good person because he tries to make up with Eddie. I think Beatrice has no self-esteem because she does everything that Eddie tells her and does not stick up for herself. I think that Eddie is helpless. He is obsessed with work and I think that he has no future. I think that because he did not get his only hope that he did not mind dying. I do not feel sorry for Eddie dying because he is a back stabber and should not of done what he done. I think that he is very over protective and over reacted when he found out that Catherine was in love. The audiences’ reaction might be different to mine but I was shocked when Marco killed Eddie because I thought that it might have been Rodolpho that killed him because of all the things that Eddie done to him.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Asian Philosophies of Critical Thinking

Asian Philosophies of Critical Thinking Essay EXTENDED ESSAYAsian Philosophies of Critical Thinking: divergent or convergent to westernestablishments?MAY 2003 AbstractThe research question of this extended essay came across at a very earlystage in my life. Having been born and developed from a family with all itsmembers being University instructors and professors, I was often involvedin arguments related to the lack of critical thinking in Asian cultures. AsI got older, having had the chance to emerge in different cultures, Istarted to develop my own viewpoints and answers. I started to wonder aboutthe truth between the real differences of Asian and Western philosophies ofcritical thinking. This extended essay, intended to be a research andinvestigation, bearing the title Asian Philosophies of Critical Thinking:divergent or convergent to Western establishments? is in fact howevermerely just a summary of my viewpoints and answers which I have developedthroughout the years. In the first section of the essay, Logical Tradition in India and China Iwill attempt to give evidence of critical thinking in two Asian culturesthat I have chosen; namely India and China. In India, I will argue thatcritical thinking is clearly visible in historical texts such as the Carakaand Nyayasutra. This is presented as the well-known five-membered argument,a system of logical deduction, similar to the Aristotelian syllogism foundin the west. In China I would focus mainly on the two schools of logicalthought, the Mohists and the Logicians. For the Mohists I would argue thatcritical thinking is a vital element in the building of what they callmental models. For the Logicians, I would study deeply the writings ofHui Shih and Kungsun Lung, I would show that in fact both of them developedsystems of logical and paradoxical thinking that could well serve as thefoundations of modern science. If critical thinking is clearly presentable in these Asian cultures thenwhy are there still concerns for introducing it to them? This is thequestion I intend to answer in the latter section Needhams Grand Questionand Fullers Interpretation. During this section, I would also show thatdiscussions of modern science seem to enable us to see how the tradition ofcritical thinking arose and how they were promoted or discouraged. I wouldcover how Asian historical, economic, social and cultural factors have abig influence on their development of critical thinking. Lastly I wouldshow how the prioritization of a civilization has a devastating effect ondeciding the future road they intend to walk. In conclusion, I would argue that since the philosophy of a culture is butan abstract and theoretical expression and justification of the culturesdecision to choose one set of priorities over another, Asian philosophy andcritical thinking are neither necessarily divergentnornecessarilyconvergent to western establishments. Contents|Introduction|4|||||Logical Tradition in India and|4||China||||||Needhams Grand Question and|7||Fullers Interpretation||||||Asian Philosophy and Critical|8||Thinking: Divergence or|||Convergence?||||||Conclusion|9|||||Bibliography|10 |||||References|11 ||||Asian Philosophies of Critical Thinking: divergent or convergent to westernestablishments?By Clement NgIntroductionIt is widely recognized nowadays that critical thinking has become anecessary ingredient in all levels of education. Educators and educationalpolicy makers agree that one of the desirable goals of education is thatstudents are able to think critically. Throughout the past few years, manyhave felt the need to consider critical thinking more seriously ineducational programs. At the moment several different acts are beingconsidered around the world by various factors and agencies. The core ofthese proposed acts is the idea that the students are able to thinkcritically and independently. Although there are widespr ead disagreementson what critical thinking actually is,1 there is an agreement that it hasbecome very important in the world overwhelmed by huge amountsofinformation. Some Western educators who teach at schools or universities in a number ofAsian countries have voiced their difficulties and problems they encounterwhile trying to teach critical thinking and other related skills to Asianstudents. Bruce Davidson (1998) argues that a set of Japanese culturalfactors act as a kind of barrier against teaching critical thinking tostudents. Atkinson (1999) goes so far as to argue that critical thinking isculturally specific, and is a part of the social practices of the Westhaving no place within Asian cultures, which do not adopt such practices. What these educators have in common is the feeling that some elements inAsian cultures do prevent the full realization of critical thinking skillsin the students. Most of these elements perceived by Western educators inAsia are quite well knownthe beliefs that teachers are superior andalways right, that knowledge is not to be made here and now, but existseternally, so to speak, to be handed down by teachers, that social harmonyis to be preferred rather than asking probing questionsto mention just afew. Is critical thinking really culture specific? Can the traditional beliefsystems of Asia respond to the challenge of the modern world while stillretaining their distinctive identities? Are Asian philosophy and criticalthinking necessary divergent or possibly convergent? These areverysignificant question not just for Asian cultures, but for understanding howcultures of the world respond to globalization. In addition the questionalso has a bearing on the problematic relation between critical thinkingand the cultural environment in which it happens to be embedded. In this essay, I attempt to argue that critical thinking is not necessarilyincompatible with Asian traditional belief systems. In fact I will showthat both India and China do have their own indigenous traditions oflogical and argumentative thinking; it is just because of certain barriersthat prevent them from further developing such establishments. I willfurther try to show that these traditions can and should be reexamined,reinterpreted and adapted to the contemporary situation. By doing this Iwould seek acknowledgement to the essay question and would provide ananswer to the Western educators who have found no such critical traditionsin the East. Logical Tradition in India and ChinaIt is widely known that India had a highly advanced logical tradition,spanning more than two thousandyears.ThesuccessesofIndianmathematicians and computer programmers are perhaps due to the fact thatlogic and critical thinking have been integral to the Indian way ofthinking since time immemorial. Such integration can also be witnessed inthe fondness of Indians for talking and debating. Tscherbatsky (1962: 31-34) tells us that in the times of Dignaga and Dharmakirti, two of thegreatest Buddhist logicians, the fate of entire monasteries depended onpublic debates. According to Tscherbatsky, Dignaga won his fame and royalsupport through his defeat of the brahmin Sudurjaya at Nalanda Monastery(31-34). In another vein, Matilal (1990: 1-8) argues that the Indian logicaltradition is entirely home grown, since there is no evidence of India beinginfluenced by Aristotelian ideas. Matilal also shows that many topics,which are of interest by contemporary logicians and philosophers today,were discussed and researched into with sophistication by Indian scholars. Such topics include theory of inference, empty names, reference andexistence, perception, knowledge of theexternalworld,substance,causality, and many others (Matilal 1990). Moreover, Tscherbatskys (1962)work, dealing mainly with the works of Dignaga and Dharmakirti illustratesthat India is one of the great logical and philosophical civilizations ofthe world. There are a number of topics that both traditions discovered independentlyof each other. For example, Matilal notes that the counterpart of theAristotelian syllogism is the five-membered argument found in such textsas Caraka and Nyayasutra. Instead of the three propositions found inAristotelian syllogism, the five-membered argument consistsoffivepropositions, the first of which is the conclusion, and the last repeatingwhat is already stated in the first. The remaining three propositions inbetween are the premises. Here is one example of the five-membered argumentcited by Matilal (1990: 5):1. There is fire on this mountain. 2. For, there is smoke there. 3. Smoke goes with fire always (or, in all cases, or in all places):witness, kitchen. 4. This is also a case of smoke. 5. Therefore, there is fire there (on the mountain). Logicians will immediately be able to reconstruct this argument in thefamiliar Aristotelian form as follows:The place on the mountain is a place where there is smoke. A place where there is smoke is a place where there is fire. Therefore, the place on the mountain is a place where there is fire. Matilal, however, notes that there is at least some dissimilarity betweenthe Indian and the Aristotelian argument forms presented here.Forinstance, he says that the conclusion of the Indian argument form is in theform of singular proposition, (i.e., modified by demonstratives likethis or that) whereas that of the Aristotelian syllogism is eitheruniversal or particular (i.e., modified by quantifiers like all orsome). But the dissimilarity here could be amended, as indexicals (termslike this or that which relies on the context of utterance for theirfull meaning) could be dispensed with by supplying the required informationon the context in which they are uttered. Thus it could be safely statedthat the Indian logical tradition fully comprehended the essence, so tospeak, of logic, which is the concept of validity and the basic validargument form. Another of the worlds great civilizations, China, also had its ownindigenous and independent logical tradition. Two of Chinas logicalschools of thought are the Mohists and the Logicians. The former wasfounded by Mo Ti, who lived between 479 to 381 B.C., during the WarringStates period of Chinese history (Ronan 1978: 114). Among the typicalChinese scholars the Mohists are better known for their doctrine ofuniversal love and the condemnation of offensive war rather than theirinterests and achievements in the physical sciences. In the latter Needhamreports that the Mohists went very far towards realizing that the thoughtsystem was in fact a prerequisite for modern science. Most significantly,the Mohists appeared to be in grasp of the concepts of deduction andinduction. They viewed the former as a way of thinking which follows amental model, which guarantees that whoever follows it will never fail tobe right in their thinking. Here is an example of reasoning based onfollowing such mental model:Model thinking consists in following the methods of Nature. What are followed in model-thinking are the methods. Therefore if the methods are truly followed by the model-thinkingliterally: hit in the middle, the reasoning will be correct. But if the methods are not truly followed by the model-thinking, thereasoning will be wrong (Ronan 1978: 119). On the other hand, the Mohists also recognized the value of extensionwhich is a kind of reasoning from the known examples and extend it tounknown cases similar to them:Extension is considering that that which one has not yet receivedi.e. a new phenomenon is identical from the point of view ofclassification with those which one has already received, andadmitting it (Ronan 1978: 119). READ: Teen Suicide EssayIt is clear then that the former is an instance of deductive thinking,while the latter represents the basic idea of inductive thinking. The two most well known representatives of the Logicians are Hui Shih andKungsun Lung. The former is known for his paradoxes resembling that ofZeno, and his writings were designed to shock and to illustrate deeplogical point. For example, Hui Shihs writing that The Heavens are as lowas the Earth; mountains are on the same level as marshes (Ronan 1978: 122)could be regarded as a way of illustrating the fact that, viewed from thecosmic perspective, the sentence written by Hui Shih here is actually true. Other pieces of his writings concern what and how we perceive:Fire is not hot. Eyes do not see (Ronan 1978: 122). These are designed to lead one to think that what is hot in fire may wellnot be in the fire at all, but is located within our tactile perception ofit. And the factor that actually does the seeing is not the eyesthemselves, but the consciousness or whatever that gives rise to theperception. Similarly, according to Needham, Kungsun Lung had a system of logical andparadoxical thinking that could well serve as the foundation of modernscience. The following excerpts show that Kungsun Lung grasped suchconcepts as the universality and unlocalizability of number and universalsand their contrasts with particulars that are their instances. Mostinterestingly, Kungsun Lungs discussion of changes in Nature could wellpoint to modern scientific way of thought:Q: Is it permissible to say that a change is not a change?A: It is. Q: Can right associating itself with something be called change?A: It can. Q: What is it that changes?A: It is right. Q: If right has changed, how can you still call it right? And ifit has not changed, how can you speak of a change?A: Two would have no right if there were no left. Two contains `left-and-right. A ram added to an ox is not a horse. An ox added to a ramis not a fowl (Ronan 1978: 121-122). Here one finds a discussion of the unchangeability of universals and theirdistinction from particulars. One thing, A, located to the right of anotherthing, B, would form two things, A-and-B. This thing, A-and-B would undergoa change if A happens to move to the left of B. What are changed here arethe relation between A and B. However, the Right itself is changeless, eventhough the particulars forming right or left relation to each other do. Thus, a ram added to an ox would still be two animals, and wont becomeeither a horse or a fowl. The changelessness of universals is a differentmatter altogether from the mutability of particular things. Kungsun Lungswriting here reminds us of Western medieval treatises on logic and theproblem of universals, such as those of Abelard or Duns Scotus. No matter how similar or different these Asian writings on logic andphilosophy are from those of Europe, it is certain that both India andChina do indeed have rigorous and profound systems of logic and criticalthinking, systems which could well form a launching pad for advancedscientific research and innovation that actually took place in the West. Thus Atkinsons argument that critical thinking is culturally specific tothe West is clearly not borne out by historical facts and thus is mistaken. However, when we look at the situations in the Asian countries today,especially in Thailand whose cultural tradition is mostly influenced byBuddhism, which originated within the Indian philosophical and religiousmilieu, Atkinson seems to be right in that there is a felt need forteaching Thai students to be able to think critically. McGuire (2000)argues that there is a need to teach critical thinking and that criticalthinking can be taught to Asian students because it does not necessarily goagainst the grain of local cultures and contains universal elements thatany local culture can find acceptable. If critical thinking is alreadythere in these cultural traditions, then why are there concerns forintroducing it to them? Something must have happened to these culturaltraditions so that there feels a need to bring in the skills and practicesof critical thinking from outside. Or is it really the need to reintroduceand to reestablish these traditions with something which is clearly theirown , but is somehow lost?1901Needhams Grand Question and Fullers InterpretationAn adequate investigation into what actually may have caused the decline ofthe logical traditions in India or China would comprise one thick book. However, I believe that a glimpse toward an answer could be found if wecompare the dominant positions in the two civilizations with the logicaltraditions. In India, the logical schools, Nyaya, Mimamsa, together withthe Buddhist logic and dialectic schools of Dignaga, Dharmakirti andNagarjuna never gained the supreme control when compared to the othertraditions such as the Vedanta. Personally, I think that this may be due tothe fact that the teachings of the logical schools were limited to themonks or brahmins who practiced them. And when the logical tradition had tocompete with other traditions that could garner more popular appeal, it isquite conceivable that the remote logical schools would lose support. Perhaps in India the tradition of logical and critical thinking was limitedto the highly educated class in such a way that the general population knewnothing of it, and this could be one explanation, as to why modernscientific thinking did not develop in India. For science to develop, theremust be a tendency toward a full understanding of all of Nature through afew general laws that could be learned and understood by anyone. The methodof learning such laws must be such that no one is excluded from studyingexcept through his own intellectual capabilities. In China, Needham suggests that the reasons for modern sciences lack ofdevelopment are due to historical, economic, social and cultural factors(Needham 1969: 190-217). Needham rightly dismisses the interpretation ofEuropes eventual mastery of modern scientific techniques in geographicalor racial beliefs. The scientific and mathematical achievements in bothIndia and China during the ancient and medieval periods is so great that itis hardly conceivable at all to think of Europes success in terms of herdestiny or superior level of advancement as propagated by the Hegeliantradition. On the other hand, Needham seems to believe that it is more amatter of luck that Europe could eventually mastered the arts of modernscience and became dominant. Needham writes:The further I penetrate into the detailed history of the achievementsof Chinese science and technology before the time when, like all otherethnic cultural rivers, they flowed into the river of modern science,the more convinced I become that the cause for the break-throughoccurring only in Europe was connected with the special social,intellectual and economic conditions prevailingthereattheRenaissance, and can never be explained by any deficiencies either ofthe Chinese mind or of the Chinese intellectual and philosophicaltradition. In many ways this was much more congruent with modernscience than was the world-outlook of Christendom (Needham 1969: 191). The special social, intellectual and economic conditions that explainEuropes success are nowhere necessarily attached to thehistoricaldevelopment of Europe. They seem only to be those that Europeans adopted,consciously or not, in response to their historical, social, and mercantileneeds. Those needs apparently were not in the minds of Indians or Chinese,whose priorities for their civilization as a whole seemed to be somethingelse. Thus, instead of looking for a unifying theory capable of explainingand predicting natural phenomenon so that men could harness the power ofNature to their own material needs as well as feel a sense of mastery whenNature is thus comprehended, Indians and Chinese chose to put the ideals oftheir civilizations in another way. The summum bonum of the Indian philosophical tradition, attainment ofMoksha or Liberation, is quite contrary to the ideals and assumptions ofmodern scientific thinking. Instead of looking for the way to free oneselffrom the endless cycle of rebirths throughstrictself-discipline,Europeans sought to advance their own self-interests that are more inclinedto the ordinary. In China, the rapid transformation from feudalism to statebureaucratism, coupled with the influence of the Confucian ethos, whilehugely successful in preserving Chinas cultural identity amidst the greatvariety of people and localities, nonetheless made it the case thatmaterial innovations and proto-scientific and logical theories would begiven little attention. Writings on such matters are referred to the`Miscellaneous category by the mandarin scholars who put the highestpriority to moralistic, ethical, or historical writings (Ronan 1978: 19)This interpretation, which is focused on the contingent character of therise of modern science in Europe, is regarded by Steve Fuller as the underdeterminist one. According to Fuller, the reason why China did not developmodern science was that it was not specifically promoted (Fuller 1997: 80-88). He contrasts this with the over determinist modethe kind ofexplanation that seeks to explain the lack of progress of modern sciencethrough the idea that it was specifically prevented from occurring. Thus,according to the former outlook, the reason science did not develop inChina was because historical, social, economic conditions were such thatthey were simply incompatible with its rise. I think this could be due tothe Chinese not putting a high priority on things scientific. On the otherhand, the over determinist would assume that science is part of a culturesdestiny which would materialize anyway if the circumstances were favorable. However, in the case of China these circumstances were not favorable,blocking sciences potential development. To viewthehistoryanddevelopment of science in the latter mode would mean that science is anecessary part of a cultures path of development, which is the same forall cultures. A culture in which science successfully develops is thusviewed as more advanced than another where the development of science issomehow stinted. On the other hand, the under determinist would argue thatsuch a picture of each cultural entity racing along the same path smellstoo much of teleology and Gods design to be tenable. Instead of soviewing, each culture should be regarded as having its own path notnecessarily shared with others. Since critical thinking and modern scientific thinking are closely related,discussions of the historical rise of science in various cultures aredirectly related to our investigation of whether critical thinking iscompatible with the major Asian cultural traditions. Discussions on therise of modern science seem to enable us to see how the tradition ofcritical thinking arose and how they were promoted or discouraged. If theunder determinist mode of interpretation is accepted, then the lack ofcritical thinking tradition in Asia could be explained by the fact thatsomehow members of these traditions decided not to go put critical thinkinghigh on their list of priorities, despite the fact that critical thinkingskills could be found deep within the traditions themselves. READ: Ambition in Macbeth examples Essay1034Asian Philosophy and Critical Thinking: Divergence or Convergence?Hence, the values typically associated with Asian culture such as socialharmony and deference to the elders and teachers are thus seen asconsequences of the cultures deciding to put a certain set of prioritiesabove others. Social harmony was instrumental in bringing about thecultural unity that is the most distinctive characteristic of Chineseculture. It is valued above most other types of values because it goes handin hand with social stability, whose alternative is perceived as chaos andgeneral burden of social structure. The prioritization of social harmonycan also be seen in other Asian cultures such as the Thai one, and resultsin Thais trying as far as they possibly can to avoid open conflicts anddisagreements. In the case of China, since all the elements that couldbring about the rise of modern science were in place, it is quite clearthat the Chinese culture actually chose not to go along the path taken bythe Europeans. The decision made by a culture to adopt a particular systemof beliefs and practices certainly did not happen suddenly, as if at oneparticular moment of history, members of a culture had a meeting anddeclared their cultures adoption of this or that set. The decisionoccurred gradually throughout the historical development of a culture, andcan be seen in China adopting Confucianism ratherthanthemorematerialistic and scientifically inclined Taoism and Mohism, and in Indiaadopting the more mystical doctrine emphasizing the role of meditation andprivate insights rather than publicly demonstrable methods of knowing. Ithink that reasons for such decision are enormously complicated, but it ishardly conceivable that China was somehow destined to lag behind Europe inthe science race due to factors they could not control. This may be taken to show that critical thinking and Asian thought aredivergent. If the Asian cultures chose not to go along the path wherecritical thinking is one milestone, then both do not seem to go with eachother, and Atkinson may be vindicated when he argues that critical thinkingis a part of Western culture only. If the Asian cultures prioritize sets ofvalues which are incompatible with critical thinking, and if they freelychose those sets over the set adopted by Europeans for whatever reasons,then it appears that critical thinking would belong to European cultureonly, and to adopt it to Asian cultures would be the same as to importingforeign ideas and practices to alien lands. Thus, Atkinsons argument seemsto fit well with the under determinist position. This line of reasoning, however, would be valid only if a culture decidedas its own set of priorities at one time will always remain so for allother times. If the Thai culture, for example, once decided that socialharmony should take precedence over critical argumentation andopendebates, then critical thinking practices would be forever alien to them. But that is surely a very unreasonable position to take. Cultures, likehumans, often make decisions that later are amended or revoked with newdecisions made; when things are not the same any longer. Decisions toprioritize one set of values over another are not etched in stone, but evenso the stone can be broken down or else taken to a museum or a pedestalwhere it loses its real meaning. Decisions at one time reflect thecircumstances normal at that particular time, and to stick onto pastdecisions with no plan of adapting or making new decisions in response tochanging circumstances would make the culture frozen and unabletoparticipate. Opting not to correct their past decisions, a culture would ineffect be telling the world that it is constructing a wall around itself,giving nothing to the world and receiving nothing. However, sociologicaland economic conditions of the current world do not permit such a scenariofrom happening. Cultures need to change themselves, not merely to survive,b ut to prosper and to permit better lives for their members. Consequently, Asian cultures and critical thinking are divergent only ifthe former opt not to correct their decisions. But since we are talkingonly about decisions, then it is not difficult at all to suggest thatcultures would make new decisions in response to changing times. Doing sowould make the two more convergent. Hence, the divergence and convergence,after all, depend on what decisions a culture makes. There is nothingnecessarily attached to a cultures path along history that makes itessentially divergent or convergent from the modern critical thinkingtradition, or from any tradition for that matter. Since the philosophy of aculture is but an abstract and theoretical expression and justification ofthe cultures decision to choose one set of priorities over another, Asianphilosophy and critical thinking are neither necessarily divergent nornecessarily convergent. ConclusionAny attempt to introduce, or we should say to bring back critical thinkingpractices to the cultures of Asia would, therefore, begin within thecultures themselves. This is in line with the under determinist idea thateach culture has its own peculiar development path which is not necessarilyshared with others. The mission of spreading the truth of one culture toanother is a misplaced. One that apart from sounding patronizing, issomething the current morality cannot accept. Thus the first step in suchan attempt must consist of a series of arguments designed to show to mostmembers of the culture where critical thinking is to be introduced, thatcritical thinking is really good. However to do that would at least requirelarge amounts of explanations, something that is definitely out of scope ofthis present essay. Besides, to argue that critical thinking is actually agood thing to have is difficult, because it may run counter to the deeplyestablished belief that critical thinking i s just a label fortheconfrontational mode of life that the culture finds unpleasantanddifficult to accept. Though the task is difficult, I believe that it is unavoidable. As aninsider of my own Chinese cultural tradition, I am trying to convince themembers of my culture of the value of critical thinking and its importantrole in educating citizens for the increasingly globalized world of todayand tomorrow. An important part of my argument for combining criticalthinking and its belief systems to the Chinese culture is the idea thatpeople should view the elements of their culture which could present themost serious obstacles to critical thinking as benign fiction. That is,elements such as respect of the elders and the belief in social ranking andso on should be viewed in the same way as a modern person views his or herown traditional customs and ceremonies. One is in a sense a part of theculture where the ceremonies happen, but in another sense detached from it. This is because he knows himself only to serve a certain function in theculture, and in addition, knowledge of other cultures enables furtherdetachment from his own customs and ceremonies. Such an argument would naturally require a lot more space and time than isavailable here. What I hope to have accomplished in this essay, however, ismuch more modest. It is, as we have seen, an argument that Asian philosophyand Asian thought in general do not necessarily conflict with criticalthinking and its presuppositions. Furthermore, it is the influential makingof decisions throughout the history of each culture itself, which, Ibelieve, is flexible and adaptive enough to effect important changes forthe future. 1065BibliographyAtkinson, D. 1997. A Critical Approach to Critical Thinking. TESOLQuarterly 31, 71-94. Blair, J. Anthony and Ralph H. Johnson. 1991. Misconceptions of InformalLogic: A Reply to McPeck. Teaching Philosophy 14.1, 35-52. Davidson, Bruce. 1995. Critical Thinking Education Faces the Challenge ofJapan. Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines, 14.3, 31 pars., Fuller, Steve. 1997. Science. Birmingham: Open UP. Hatcher, Donald. 1995a. Critical Thinking and Epistemic Obligations. Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines 14.3, 38 pars., Hatcher, Donald. 1995b. Should Anti-Realists Teach Critical Thinking?. Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines 14.4, 21 pars., Hongladarom, Soraj. 1998a. Critical Thinking and the Realism/Anti-RealismDebate, Hongladarom, Soraj. 1998b. Humanistic Education in Todays and TomorrowsWorld. Manusya: Journal of Humanities, 1 (forthcoming). Hostetler, Karl. 1991. Community and Neutrality in Critical Thought: ANonobjectivist View on the Conduct and Teaching of Critical Thinking. Educational Theory, 41.1, 1-12. Matilal, Bimal Krishna. 1990. Logic, Language and Reality: IndianPhilosophy and Contemporary Issues. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass. McGuire, John. 1998. Is Critical Thinking Cultural Thinking?. Unpublishedms. McPeck, John E. 1991. What is Learned in Informal Logic?, TeachingPhilosophy, 14.1, 25-34. Needham, Joseph. 1969. The Grand Titration: Science and Society in East andWest. London: Allen Unwin. Paul, Richard. 1993. Critical Thinking: What Every Person Needs to Survivein a Rapidly Changing World. Santa Rosa, CA: Foundation for CriticalThinking. Ronan, Colin A. 1978. The Shorter Science and Civilization in China: AnAbridgement of Needhams Original Text. Cambridge: Cambridge UP. Sutton, Robert. 1995. Realism and Other Philosophical Mantras. Inquiry:Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines, 14.4, 18 pars., Tscherbatsky, F. Th. 1962. Buddhist Logic. New York: Dover. References1 The literature on the nature and definitions of critical thinking areenormous. Probably the most intense debate among critical thinking expertscenters on the question whether critical thinking can be a separateautonomous academic disciplines dealing with the general form of thinkingto be applied by students in all of their academic areas. Or whether it isnot autonomous at all, but should always be part of important academicdisciplines. However, I believe that these debates giveuslittleunderstanding of what critical thinking should be. For critical thinkingwould be nothing if not applied to real cases, and the study of it wouldnot be totally effective if the skills and theories unique to it were notabstracted and studied on their own. The other debates focuses on thenature of critical thinking, or the meaning of critical thinking itself. Richard Paul (1993) provides a definition that no one can gainsay: Criticalthinking is the kind of thinking one thinks of ones thinking in order tomake ones thinking better. Hatcher (1995a; 1995b) calls for the kind ofcritical thinking that is based on the so-called epistemological realistposition this is contrasted by Sutton (1995) and Hostetler (1991), whoargue that critical thinking is more amenable to the anti-realist position. Whatever it is, there is still no correct definition concerning the truemeaning of critical thinking.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Role of the European Capital of Culture Research Paper

Role of the European Capital of Culture - Research Paper Example There also lies a threat of consistency â€Å"as the cities are seeking to fulfill a format of the ideal ECC† (Palonen, 2011, p.246). After studying three applications related to the ECC 2008 as well as the argument surrounding the bid, various researchers, including Griffiths, has claims that â€Å"the ECC bidding process managed to articulate differences between the cities, and their distance to the local and regional strategies† (Palonen, 2011, p.246). Hitherto, while creating dissimilarities between cities, areas and even presenting insights to Europe which vary, the thoughts of culture are somewhat similar. And also are the characteristics of the programmes as well as their applications (Palonen, 2011, p.246).  Ã‚   In respect to the policy process, all the European cities become symbols of Europe as the ‘family of cultures’. The examination on this super-occurrence could center on the institutions as well as on the actors of the procedure; however, in various articles, a novel viewpoint is required. This explores how the process of institutionalization associated with the cultural models of Europe, partaking as well as special effects (habitually gentrification) are restricted in the liberty of the city performance artistic interferences as an element of the official programme related to two closely linked with ECCs. The degree of inspection is related to the micro-context that is associated with ‘an encounter between the locals and the intervention staged by ‘cultural workers’ including the author herself’. Originally, it has been the thought of nominating the â€Å"European City of Culture† that has been voiced in the year 1983 by the â€Å"Greek Minister of Culture†, Melina Mercouri. In this regard, ECCs has been chosen since the year 1985 and also the policy has been shifted over the passage of time.  Ã‚  

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Workplace Training Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Workplace Training - Essay Example The ever-changing and dynamic business environment demands that there be effective work place training. Training is a critical prerequisite for occupational competence and excellence at the business environment. Conduct of the training requires input from relevant professionals and or senior members of the business who may work as trainers. It involves providing technical and practical inputs necessary for staffs and other stakeholders to a business. Planned and executed by and for different actors, business or workplace training takes different dimensions and perspectives. However, whatever dimension adapted to deliver the required inputs, training has a sole objective must be ultimately achieved. In an attempt to implement the training process, businesses face multi-dimensional constraints or threats, opportunities, weaknesses and strength associated with the intervention. In essence, workplace training in a business environment is vulnerable to both negative and positive constrain ts with different dimensions. In the contemporary business sphere, training is a necessary input that any business must adhere to maintain business and marketing competence. Rationale for Training Work place training has varied significance to any business. Training enables business stakeholders to acquire relevant skills and competence necessary for engaging in business in a dynamic environment. The global business sphere continues to exhibit complexities and uncertainties thanks to stiff competition made worse by frequent recessions.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Impact of Culture on International Business Essay - 5

Impact of Culture on International Business - Essay Example In fact, Apple is known for its ability to change the traditional organizational hierarchy that ended up being emulated, especially on not adapting to official business dress code (O’Grady, 2008, p.34). This is a strong indication of a culture with high value for freedom of creativity, expression, and innovation. For many years now, Apple is highly differentiated from other international businesses, especially in the same industry, by having a strong horizontal hierarchy, where hardware engineers, for instance, worked together with interface designers, marketing, and documentation personnel in creating a new innovative and complete product offering (O’Grady, 2008, p.29). Due to its horizontal hierarchy, the social network at Apple is, therefore, predictable, less complex, but at some point, with strong cultural impact. For instance, the high value for freedom of expression allows employees to disseminate substantial information to others. This would be a remarkable source of cultural conflict. In addition, any form of dissatisfaction on the part of the human resource would probably create a fast-pace domino effect due to culture that is strongly adhering to horizontal hierarchy that has a great depth of flexibility, and value for freedom of expression. This, at some point, raises significant concern on increasing individuality even if there is ongoing consensus effort for working as a team. To compensate this risk, it is, therefore, important on the part of the CEOs to maintain their high level of leadership. In this view, there is a strong level of impact on coping with change that would complement with the prevailing complexity that has strong ass ociation with managing organizational culture. The recent culture at Apple Incorporated would be a significant challenge to the next-in-line leaders. If leaders would not be properly acquainted with this kind of culture, just as how Jobs created and made use of it to the fullest,

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Benefits provided by Mafia to the American society Essay

Benefits provided by Mafia to the American society - Essay Example In Mafia no body is associated with each other as a friend or brother, if you would look closely to the history of Mafia you would find the leaders of Mafia killed either by their own family members or people relatively closer to them, "a world in which a man's murderer was most apt to be his best friend. Intrigue was the name of the game, and the intricate deals that were hatched threaded the national and international scene" (Cook 3). These people of Mafia work as a unit for the benefits of their own, and not for the society, they often have conferences for the planning of events they would be doing in that year or so, "On December 8, 1959, some 150 Mafia dons gathered in secret session in a suite of fifteen rented rooms in a hotel in Worcester, Massachusetts. Their night-long conclave was later described by Attorney General Edward J. McCormack, of Massachusetts, as a "Little Apalachin" conference" (Cook 36). It seems very strange to hear that Mafia can help anyone, but in fact Maf ia has helped numerous countries of the world. In United States of America there are about 26 cities in which Mafia is working, "When some people think of the Mafia, they think of New York City, or may be Chicago. But for a long time, there were roughly twenty-six American Mafia "families" going strong across the United States and in Canada"(26 Family Cities). It would be really unfair to say that Mafia helped the people of the society in a direct manner but somehow it did benefit few people of the society and mentioning here that not every person in the society was helped by the Mafia but only people who had status and powers, however in future most of the people benefited from the activities of Mafia, there were two way benefits that were quite prominent, people helped the Mafia and Mafia helped the people, in an interview I heard that, Mafia used to kill people for the benefits of few people who were previously in negative relations with the people who asked to be killed, at numerous occasion mafia helped tycoons to win their bets, perhaps by persuading or threatening the player who was betted upon, and at numerous occasion it has been seen that the Mafia themselves prepared tycoons in the business world. (Barringham) So these points are justifying few of the bitter realities of the American society, it is quite obvious that fewer people of the society were helped by the Mafia directly, so it would be unfair to say that every one was helped by Mafia but relatively upper society is getting the benefits. There are few more points to justify that who is helped by the Mafia, "In 1957 Joseph Barbara was a successful immigrant living near Binghamton. His hilltop estate boasted seven bedrooms and two horse barns. He also was "connected": He had friends in what would come to be known as La Cosa Nostra [mafia]" (Jack Kelly). There is another interesting point that I would like to bring in your view and that is the related to the money, when the underworld dons or Mafia leaders smuggled different materials, perhaps drugs, precious gems etc. they brought a lot of money in the country which could be very useful for stabilizing the economy of

Sweatshop Labor Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Sweatshop Labor - Essay Example This would maintain high-profit margin even in low demand market conditions. In terms of history, Sweatshop developed during the industrial revolution to refer to a sub-contracting system that provided an environment for high profits among the intermediaries because of low labor costs as compared to the amount paid for the contract (Powell, 2014). The profit margin reflected the â€Å"sweat† of the workers as they received low wages compared to the working conditions and the amount of work they undertook. The clothing industry involves a subcontracting system that allows retailers to dominate the top of the chain of subcontracting. The apparel companies order sets of clothing from manufacturers, who are the designers of the clothes, and the manufacturers employ contractors. In some cases, the contractors hire subcontractors. The garment workers are then hired and paid by either the contractors of the subcontractors to perform the basic tasks of cloth making such as sewing, cutting or packaging different clothing (Powell, 2014). As such, the garment wo rkers remain at the bottom of the subcontracting chain as much as they are the center of cloth making. Low consumer demand leads to increased competition in the marketplace; an aspect that place the contractors in a critical position where they receive low price offers from the manufacturers and are left with no choice other than take the contracts due to high competition (Powell, 2014). In most cases, the prices offered in the contracts are too low that most of the contractors are not able to offer their employees the legal wages they deserve or create safe working places according to the law. As such, due to the structure of the industry, most of the contractors experience â€Å"sweating† of profits from their employees as the only alternative that would ensure sustainability of their business. In

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Communication Change Challenge Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Communication Change Challenge - Assignment Example The researcher states that when his colleagues make false statements, he cannot confront or argue with them about the issue. This is because the author feels that he has undermined their expression and he leave this for them to decide. The researcher would like to improve on this as it can cause many problems, which he would avoid if he could correct their statements. When his parents, do anything that is not normal, the author cannot correct or question them on the issue. This is because they are older that the author feels disrespectful when he correct or question them on their allegations. When friends or family members ask for assistance in the form of advice or money, he cannot deny the assistance. This is because the researcher has been staying with them as friends and family members and he has been assisting them in case of any problem. When the author tries to deny their assistance, he feels that they are traumatized and uncomfortable as family members and friends. When the a uthor is answering questions in public or meetings, he does not go direct to the point without explanation. This is because the researcher feels that the audiences are not satisfied without elaboration of the points. Through explanation, the audience will feel free and comfortable to ask any question in the course of the discussion. The researcher feels uncomfortable in the family or the field when some tasks are pending or incomplete. This makes the author not to concentrate on anything else as he feels that he has a weakness somewhere due to incomplete tasks or duties. The researcher won't deny any assistance requested by someone. This shows that he is in a position to deny the assistance, but due to his willingness to assist, the author cannot deny the assistance. As he is used to a life of assisting other people the author will be comfortable when others are suffering yet he is able and willing to assist them. This is the motive, which makes me not to deny any assistance request ed by different people even when the researcher is not able to help, he will try.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Reformists or Fundamentalists for Iran Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Reformists or Fundamentalists for Iran - Essay Example This difference leaves the citizen with a choice to make in a democratic nation like Iran (Koontz 98). No party is said to be perfect in their ideas since, in either side, there are both positive and negative effects. However, having compared the goals ideologies and their take on religion, I will advocate for the reformists. This paper seeks to examine the main agenda of the reformists compared to those of the fundamentalists by analyzing their respective ideology, theocracy and religion. The goals that the reformists seek to achieve make them distinct from the fundamentalists. Their main objective is to preserve theocracy in the country. They put emphasis on the need of bringing certain democratic reforms into existence (Koontz 25). Every Iranian should be aware of his or her right accordingly and no one should be discriminated in regards to the gender or the tribe. For instance, in this years elections’ campaigns the reformists who had found refuge in the West due to p ost-election repression of 2009, had come up with a competing discourses as to what reform should be composed of and how an Islamic Republic should look like (Seifzadeh 254). This, according to me makes reformists admirable than the fundamentalists, who base their theocracy on the belief that not all people are equal. To illustrate the theocracy of the fundamentalists, we examine on their belief about the nature of women and men and their roles in society. They argue that, in Iran, women are inferior to men both mentally and physically. Their duties were restricted to child bearing and nurturing prescribed by their biological determinism. They were also to ensure comfort and satisfaction to their husbands. The Fundamentalists sought to suppress the roles performed by women and enhanced control of men over women. They ensured that their visibility in public was not guaranteed. This is not a true picture of a democratic country

Thursday, August 22, 2019

The Possibility of Evil, Creative Dialogue Essay Example for Free

The Possibility of Evil, Creative Dialogue Essay Mrs. Foster stepped into the elevator and gave Miss Strangeworth a nod. Miss Strangeworth glance at her with embarrassment, knowing that that was the first time people had ever seen her after the operation. Without saying a word, she quietly turned and looked sideways. It had been two months since her transgressions circulated around the town. When she was about to sigh, the cart started shaking unexpectedly. Most of the elevator lights flickered and went off eventually. They could barely see each other’s faces. Dead stillness ruled the whole world, as though the elevator crashed down to a grave. Lovely day, Mrs. Foster,† Miss Strangeworth ventured, â€Å"People should have examined this elevator regularly. Don’t you think so? † Since she knew no one would pay any attention to her anymore, she was getting frustrated. â€Å"I think people will be coming soon to fix it. † Mrs. Foster paused, and then comforted her amicably, â€Å"We will be all right. † Miss Strangeworth intended to start another conversation, Mrs. Foster’s operation, for instance. But the words wouldn’t come out. â€Å"All right,† she loosened her hand that was holding the handle tightly, trying to maintain her dignity, and lowered her voice, â€Å"all right. Silence ensued. Miss Strangeworth could see Mrs. Foster out of the corner of her eye, wondering if she had recovered from the illness. Mrs. Foster was not as energized as she used to be, she thought. The shadow of Mrs. Foster’s face was casting on the wall, her plain face cracked into a smile. Miss Strangeworth was feeling like she was in a coffin, and the phrase from her letter kept coming to her mind, saying â€Å"the knife accidently slipped†. She was drawing back unconsciously until she was against the wall. She cried out suddenly, â€Å"Forgive me Mrs. Foster! I promise I would ever write the anonymous letters again! Forgive me, please. † â€Å"It is all right, every single person makes mistakes. † Mrs. Foster said gently with joy, â€Å"Did you hear that? People are fixing the elevator. † The elevator door was opened, the world were lightened. Miss Strangeworth and Mrs. Foster were surrounded by townsfolk. Everyone was concerned about their safety. â€Å"It is virtue to realize your mistakes and try your best to correct it. † Mrs. Foster whispered as she walked out of the door. Miss Strangeworth began to cry with a mix of joy and regret.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Water Its Need And Importance Essay Example for Free

Water Its Need And Importance Essay Water is the most abundant substance in the human body ranging from 40 to 80 percent of the body weight. Body water is distributed in two major compartments: the intracellular and the extracellular fluid compartments . Water being a solvent dissolves all substances and acts as a carrier to transport nutrient and other crucial chemicals which are needed for effective functioning of organs. For instance water helps in digestion, by dissolving the nutrient substances and making them pass through gastrointestinal tracks ultimately into the blood stream. It assists in transportation of food through the intestines as well as removing waste products from the body. On a cellular level it acts a medium for transmission of electrical signals between cells. It enables biochemical processes, acts as a lubricant and also regulates the body temperature according to the environmental conditions. FLUID BALANCE: Under normal condition fluid intake equals fluid output and the body maintains constant volume. When the intake exceeds the output, a positive balance or hydration exceeds on the other hand when output exceeds intake a negative balance or dehydration is caused. The major water loss processes are perspiration and urination. The water balance is regulated by osmoreceptors located in the hypothalamus. These receptors sense the molality of the blood and decide whether more or less water is required to correct the osmolality. Thirst is stimulated and we drink water if the blood is too concentrated. Anti-diurectic hormone or ADH is released from the pituitary glands which causes conservation of body fluid by acting on the kidneys leading to decreased urine output. If blood is too dilute then thirst is suppressed and DH is inhibited causing volumes of urine to be excreted. When a person eliminates water through lungs and skin without being aware of it then its called insensible loss. Loss of water in extracellular compartment causes the fluid to become concentrated leading to hypertonicity and a gain in water leads to hypotonicity. In addition to regulating total volume, the osmolarity (the concentration of solute particles per unit volume) of bodily fluids is also tightly regulated. Extreme variation in osmolarity causes cells to shrink or swell, damaging or destroying cellular structure and disrupting normal cellular function. The human body maintains a proper fluid balance through the action of mineral compounds namely from sodium and potassium which are called electrolytes. Electrolytes are chemicals formed by ionic bonding that dissociate into electrically charged ions when they dissolve in the body fluids. Examples are acids, bases and salts. Their primary function is to control osmolarity, maintenance of acid-base balance, metabolism of essential minerals and participation in cellular activities. The sodium pump is a mechanism which ensures that a cell does not retain too much sodium (which attracts water via osmosis across the semi-permeable membrane of the cell wall) and thus stops too much water from entering the cell. As mentioned before ADH plays the key role in lowering osmolarity (reducing sodium concentration) by increasing water reabsorption in the kidneys, enabling to dilute bodily fluids. To prevent osmolarity from decreasing below normal, the kidneys also have a regulated mechanism for reabsorbing sodium in the distal nephron which is controlled by aldosterone, a steroid hormone produced by the adrenal cortex ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS: Several environmental factors control the loss of body fluids. Higher ambient temperatures result in a greater potential for sweat production. Higher humidity is also responsible for higher sweat production, but effectiveness of sweating to cool the body is reduced due to decreased rate of evaporation of perspiration from the skin. The same problem also exists with clothing that traps sweat against the skin which results in a reduced cooling efficiency that forces a greater sweat rate. CONCLUSION: A regular fluid intake from our daily diet is crucial to maintain good health. This is because the human body does not store water in the way as it stores calories so we need a constant supply every day. About 15 percent of our water needs comes from food metabolism, as our body converts part of our food into hydrogen and then mixes this with oxygen from our lungs to form water. The remaining 85 percent comes directly from water in our diet, either from water-rich foods or from water we drink. For women, the US Food and Nutrition Board recommend a total daily water intake of about 2. 7 liters (about 8 glasses) from all beverages and foods. For men they advise a total daily water intake of about 3. 7 liters (about 12 glasses). REFERENCES: ? http://www. britannica. com/EBchecked/topic/211236/fluid-balance ? http://www. annecollins. com/water-intake-fluid-balance. htm ? http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Body_water ? Schaums Outline of Human Anatomy and physiology

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Business Strategy of Tata Consultancy Services (TCS)

Business Strategy of Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) TATA group of companies: Tata Group of companies is the largest private corporate group in India and has been recognized as one of the most respected companies in the world which was founded by Jamsedji R Tata in 1991. The company has operations in more than 85 countries across six continents and its companies export products and services to 80 nations and the Tata Group comprises (114) companies and subsidiaries in seven business sectors (Tata Sons Ltd., 2010). SBUs of TATA group 🙠 For details please refer to appendix no.1) SBUs which form a major part of the Tata group include: Tata steel Tata motors Ltd. Tata consultancy services Tata Technologies Tata tea Tata power Tata Communications Tata Teleservices Tata hotels 1.1 Company profile: Tata consultancy services (TCS) SBU of Tata group: Source: Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) is one of the SBU of Tata group of companies. It is a Software services consulting company which is a subsidiary Tata group .It is the largest provider of information technology (IT) and business process outsourcing services in Asia. It has offices in 42 countries with more than 142 branches across the globe. The company is listed on the National Stock Exchange (NSE) and Bombay Stock Exchange(BSE) of India.TCS mainly offers a consulting-led, integrated portfolio of IT and IT-enabled services delivered through its unique strategic Global Network Delivery Model which is recognized as the benchmark of excellence in the IT industry (LinkedIn Corporation, 2010) .TCS is currently investing in new technologies, new processes people in order to achieve an competitive edge (Amdocs Ltd., 2010).(For details please refer to appendix no.2) TCS helps some of the worlds largest companies to adopt the right technology-enabled solution that helps them in following manner (Tata Sons Ltd., 2010). Optimize business performance Facilitate alignment of business with technology Connect their extended supply chains Reduce product development time Improve product differentiation Provide real-time business insight Lower operational costs TCS business structure: Following diagram illustrates operating structure of TCS: Fig 1.TCS operating structure Source: 2 Business Level Strategies: TCS has developed its business level strategy by assuming as world financial institutions are in a tremendous shock of crisis and think of scaling up revenue from other industries. (Tata Consultancy Services Limited, 2010). TCS names its business divisions as Industry Service Practice which will help them to collect maximum revenue from Banking Financial Services and Insurance Sectors. (Please refer to appendix no. 3) Generic Business Strategies of TCS: TCS provides low cost Global delivery with the help global strategy. TCS mainly focus on customer relationship management customer retention in order increase the business revenue. TCS provides timely delivery of IT services with the help of proven delivery quality framework called as (iQMS) TCS uses differentiation strategy by providing low end services in terms of cost, resources. TCS also diffenciate its high end services such as consulting in term of niche offerings. TCS has strong knowledge management system resource Strength by which they has successful in reaching the overall cost leadership in the (IT) industry. TCS has develop a resolute strategy where they are providing (IT) services according to the requirements of customer and the nature of business. targeting new markets like Middle East, Europe, and Asia-pacific. Currently TCS Focus on Centres of Excellence (CoE) to hold ability so as to construct technologies such as service-oriented architecture, testing, and virtualization which will help TCS to attempt outsized projects so as to alter customers (IT) applications. Business level strategy model: Following diagram illustrates various business level strategies of TCS which are closely related to the company. Fig 2. Business level strategy model-TCS Source: Author Business level Strategies are listed below: Global Strategies Strategic Alliance strategy Acquisition strategy TCS: Co innovation network (coin) strategy (1) Global strategy: TCS global strategy structure tend towards its global operations to implement a Customer centric and integrated approach which will help them to control external factors arising from the Economic Meltdown in western countries. TCSs global operation units is divided into five main divisions includes the established markets like North America K Western Europe as well as the new markets includes mainly Latin America, Middle east, India and Eastern Europe. TCS was the first one to set the global delivery centre in China which distinguished TCS from other corporate companies (Mitra, 2005). This global strategy of TCS will Increase Companys market growth rate at the rate of 40% every year. TCS is establishing global delivery centres outside India which demonstrate TCS as a Global company. In recent years TCS was frequently changing its approach towards global market. (For details please refer to appendix no .3) Global strategy map: Following map illustrated the countries where TCS collaborate its global strategy Mainly includes US, Mexico, China, India, Hungary, UK, West-Europe etc. Fig.3 Global Strategy map Source: consultancy-services 2 Strategic Alliances strategy: Tata consultancy services have been holding a strategic relationship with various International technology (IT) vendors such as Intel, Hewlett-Packard (HP), IBM this distinguished as service provider, customer, supplier, and alliance partner. (Mitra, 2005). The relationships with the international technology vendors have made TCS to maintain a holistic approach to create a joint venture opportunities with these international vendors on joint research by which each others strengths will provide a strategic advantage by following ways(For details please refer to appendix no.4) It creates joint engagements with (IT) vendors. It provide new or improved solutions on problems It helps to adopt a Joint go-to-market strategy for the specific (IT) solutions. 3. Acquisition strategy: TCS divides its acquisition strategy into two components. Organic means and inorganic means (Mitra, 2005). The Inorganic way of acquisitions of companies this has business sense to TCS as part of its strategy to look at expansion options has set up an internal team which will focus only on acquisition strategies.(For details please refer to appendix no.5) 4. Co- innovation network (coin) strategies: TCS have implemented a Co-innovation strategy in order to face the competition in todays globalization world. Where competition among the IT companies is increasing day by day. TCS has developed implement an innovative technology which will result in collaborating a Globally Distributed Network (GDN) (Mitra, 2005). (Please refer to appendix no.6) Bowmans strategic clock: Business level strategy of TCS can also be explained with the help of Bowmanà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¸s Strategic clock (work of Cliff Bowman) (For details please refer to appendix no.7) Fig 4. Bowmans strategic clock Source: Adopted from (Faulkner Bowman, 1995) Based on the competition faced by TCS they are using two parallel strategies so as to sustain in the (IT) sector. Differentiation:-TCS use differentiation strategy by offering its low high end services such as consulting in term of niche offerings terms of cost resources. Expertise that is different from those of the competitors in (IT) industry which are valued by the customers. Low price:-TCS has achieved cost (price) leadership in the (IT) industry with the help of its strong knowledge management system as compare to competitors. According to Bowmans strategic clock differentiation Low price strategy comes under hybrid strategy. So, it is evident that TCS use these strategies in order to keep up with the emerging (IT) trends and working out towards its goal of being the most chosen brand in the (IT) industry. TCS Business level Strategies can also be identified and explained with the help of Ansoff matrix which divides the strategy of a company into four different categories namely, (i) Market Penetration Strategy (ii) Market Development Strategy (iii) Product Development Strategy (iv) Diversification Strategy TCSs growth and development strategies based on Ansoffs matrix Ansoffix growth matrix 🙠 For details please refer to appendix no.8) TCSS Business level Strategies can also be identified and explained with the help of Assnsoff matrix as follows: Existing Products New Products (Market Penetration) Existing Markets: USA and Europe Existing Products: ADM, BPO, KPO, consultancy services software products. (Product Development) Existing Market: USA and Europe New Product: Consultancy and package implementation services in relatively growing sectors life sciences healthcare, aviation sector, and KPO services (Market Development) New markets: India, Middle-east and Australia Existing Products: ADM, BPO, KPO, consultancy services Software products (financial products). (Diversification) New products: vertical- Specific services packages, TCS Financial Solutions, and Platform-based BPO New markets: Latin America, Eastern Europe, Middle East Africa and India), Existing Market New Market Fig 4. Ansoffix growth matrix of TCS Source: Author (i) Market penetration strategy: As per the growth matrix TCS is currently penetrates its range of services into USA and Europe where they provide ADM, BPO, KPO, consultancy services (in BFSI, manufacturing and retail firms) as well as they provide software products (financial products) to the firms as most large clients in US and Europe are concentrating on cutting costs of (IT) related services (Tata Consultancy Services Limited, 2010). TCS needs to be more aggressive on cost cutting strategy with good quality. (ii) Market development strategy: As per the growth matrix TCS is concentrating on new markets like India, Middle-east and Australia where they provide products like ADM, BPO, KPO consultancy services (in BFSI, manufacturing and retail) and software products (financial products) (Tata Consultancy Services Limited, 2010).Since these are the most fast developing IT market where TCS needs to keep a paradigm as a shift in focus from US EU markets to these new markets. (iii) Product Development Strategy: As per the growth matrix TCS is selling its new products such as Consultancy and package implementation services in relatively growing sectors especially in life sciences healthcare, aviation sector, and KPO services into existing markets like USA and Europe (Tata Consultancy Services Limited, 2010). This strategy will definitely help on building expertise in these domains by strategic acquisitions. (iv) Diversification strategy: As per the growth matrix TCS has diversified their new products like vertical- Specific services packages, TCS Financial Solutions, and Platform-based BPO into new markets like Europe and other emerging markets where the market growth of the company has increased by 40 % (Tata Consultancy Services Limited, 2010).TCS diversified its function to new markets like Latin America and Middle East for considerable expansion. In order to penetrate a new market TCS has established delivery and offshore centres in countries like Brazil, Uruguay and Mexico. 3 Strengths weaknesses based on business Level Strategies: Following table illustrates (TCS) strengths and weaknesses: Strengths Weaknesses Extensive Universal reach Strong economic performance Strong brand name and awareness Unique service Offerings Employee Management Skills (HR Skills) Innovation lab system Fame of founder Momentous publicity to financial markets Lack of focus on the domestic markets. Deficient in level of consulting Operations Source: Author 3.1 Strengths: (1) Extensive Universal reach: TCS has widespread a global reach by its product and services throughout its branches all over the world includes in UK, U.S, Middle east, Australia, Europe etc. (Tata Consultancy Services Limited, 2010). This provides a diverse revenue base for the company to have an active control on its business operations universally. (2) Strong economic performance: TCS has made apparent and strong economic presentations around the globe which makes its clients to be financially confident about the company and hence it will increase companys reputation. (3) Strong brand name and awareness: As the popularity of the brand TCS (Tata consultancy services) has been reach all over the world which made TCS a reputed brand image in the Global information technology (IT) and software industries. (4) Unique service Offerings: TCS provides a unique range of services including business consulting; information technology, business process outsourcing (BPO), infrastructure, and engineering which distinguished them from competitors belong to IT industry (Tata Consultancy Services Limited, 2010). (5) Employee Management Skills (HR Management Skills): The domestic base of TCS i.e. India is well -known for its skilled employees in IT field which naturally made TCS a very strong in HR management .TCS is also recruited its board of Directors are from overseas countries in order to adopt the strategies from all the parts of the world. (6) Innovation in lab system: TCS have most effective infrastructures and innovative labs all over the world with most modern technologies which help its employees to have an access to update the most up-to-date information to make research in various IT related fields (Tata Consultancy Services Limited, 2010). This provides TCS an competitive edge. (7) Fame of founder: Tata is recognised as the most renowned brand in Asia as well as the fame of the founder Mr.Ratan J Tata also added value to TCS (Tata Consultancy Services Limited, 2010). 3.2 Weaknesses: (1) Momentous publicity to financial markets: The Excess exposure on the financial service markets at a global level (Datamonitor, 1998). Which generally necessitate to be keep confidential as they it displays companys private policies and legal terms which is considered as the primary key weakness of Tata consultancy services (TCS) (2) Lack of focus on the domestic markets: As per the strength of TCS it has an Extensive Universal reach by its product and services throughout it are all over the world branch which provides a diverse revenue base for the company. (Datamonitor, 1998). But at the same time domestic markets are also affected due to lack of focus by the company. This is the key weakness of Tata consultancy services (TCS). (3) Deficient in level of consulting operations: Lack in Effective consulting team which show a strong reflection of decline in the growth Cycle of the TCS, Being a company which mainly works on Outsourcing on scale large projects and assignment which generally needs a very good effective consulting team which acts as the link between the Clients and company (Tata Consultancy Services Limited, 2010).TCS company is lacking behind in its level of consulting operations. Report to the Board of Directors To, The Board of Directors, Tata consultancy services Ltd. Subject: Recommendations for the (TCS) business unit. Respected Board members, In the report which is attached along with a critical research and analysis has been done on the corporate strategy followed by your company. The research and analysis has been conducted by using various corporate strategy tools and methods and the companys past and current strategies have been highlighted. On the basis of the strengths and the weaknesses of these strategies we have stated so; following are the recommendations which I was able to generate after studying the strategies adopted by the TCS: TCS should create specific value propositions aimed directly at the relevant stakeholders which include business executives, IT personnel in order to improve your market positioning in domestic markets. The excess exposure on the financial service markets which usually need to be kept confidential is considered as the main weakness of TCS so they can should focus more on increasing their IP (Intellectual Property) assets in order to lower the momentous publicity to financial markets (Tata Consultancy Services Limited, 2010). TCS can also go for isolation strategies with premium services like IT solutions and focus on a niche market. In market Meltdowns (recession) marketing can work as a differentiator. TCS can alter its focus from Low cost advantage to high quality services considering quality being pioneer in the (IT) industry. TCS can offer diverse services to refrain from being over-dependent and increasing exposure to the vulnerabilities of few sectors like USA. TCS can adopt ADM (Application Development and maintenance) system to increase value added services, BPO to Consulting and Package Implementation (Tata Consultancy Services Limited, 2010). Consolidation and strategic acquisitions are essential for future growth of revenues. The HP-EDS merger (one of the biggest ever merger in this industry) is evidence to this. TCS should prepare for such opportunities which are strategic fit for the company. TCS has rightly placed SMB (Small and Medium Businesses) as a separate strategic unit, which should be focused aggressively. They should also focus consulting practice on the same business unit (Tata Consultancy Services Limited, 2010).

Monday, August 19, 2019

Effects Of Technology :: essays research papers

The Effects of Technology   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There is no escape from technology. In most cases this is not a problem though. Many people respect and admire technology because it is there to benefit them. Without the technological advances we have had over the years, the world would not be what it is today. What people don’t understand is that technology can actually be a bad thing. In society today, people are looking for more and more ways to be entertained, and all it is doing is causing problems. People are doing less and less thinking and more and more watching, listening, and playing, all because of technology. Forms of entertainment like the Internet, television and even video games seem harmless to people, but they are really not. When the Internet was first introduced, people never thought it would be as big as it is today. The Internet is an easy to use technology that can do just about anything. But what people don’t understand is that the Internet is not all good. Much of the information posted on sites on the Internet is merely opinions, not factual information. When people look at this information, it looks and seems like trustful information, but most of the time, it is not.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Although the Internet is a relatively new technology, television has been around for about fifty years. There are many problems with television though, mainly with the content of the shows. Many of the shows on television portray violence, drugs, sexual activity, and profanity. People who watch these shows see what the actors and actresses are doing and then feel it is all right for them to do the same things. If a kid is watching a show were one of the actors or actresses use profanity, they will feel it is all right for them to use the same language. When television first came on the market about fifty years ago, families had one television at the most in the household, and most families only used the television for the news or for an occasional show or two. Today, it is a rarity if you find only one television in a household. Most families have numerous televisions in their house and use it more and more for entertainment purposes. People of all ages are addicted to television. On average, people watch about thirty hours of television a week. But the people who go beyond this mark are known to society as “couch potatoes';.

What is an infectuos disease :: essays research papers

What is an Infectious Disease? An Infectious Disease is a disease caused by germs, such as bacteria, viruses, fungi or parasites. These diseases are all "caught", hence they are often termed communicable diseases. Examples of specific infections include Strep throat, mononucleosis, cold sores, athlete's foot, appendicitis, boils, vaginal yeast infections, African Sleeping sickness and tuberculosis. HEPATITIS B VACCINATION Safe and effective vaccines are now available for protection against hepatitis B, a serious liver infection that can result in cirrhosis and liver cancer. Hepatitis B vaccine prevents hepatitis B disease and its serious consequences. Use of hepatitis B vaccine and other vaccines is strongly endorsed by the medical, scientific and public health communities as a safe and effective way to prevent disease and death. There is no confirmed evidence that indicates that hepatitis B vaccine can cause chronic illnesses. Whenever large number of vaccines are given, some adverse events will occur coincidentally after vaccination and be falsely attributed to the vaccine. To assure a high standard of safety with vaccines, several federal agencies continually assess and research possible or potential health effects that could be associated with vaccines. The Centers for Disease Control and the American Academy of Pediatrics recommend that all newborns, infants and children, especially sexually active teenagers be vaccinated against hepatitis B. Vaccination is also recommended for individuals at high risk of being infected with the hepatitis B virus (HBV). These include:  · Health care workers, including doctors, dentists, nurses, blood and lab technicians;  · Emergency workers - including paramedics, fire fighters and police;  · Hemodialysis patients;  · Military personnel;  · Morticians and embalmers;  · Patients and staff of institutions for the mentally handicapped, inmates of long-term correctional institutions;  · Ethnic groups with a high rate of hepatitis B including Chinese, Koreans, Indochinese, Filipinos, Alaskan Eskimos, Haitians, and American Indians;  · People with multiple sexual partners;  · Intravenous drug users;  · Recipients of certain blood products;  · Household contacts and sex partners of hepatitis B carriers;  · International travelers Those who are already infected will not benefit from vaccination. However, infants born of mothers who are carriers of the hepatitis B virus can be protected. A simple blood test can determine whether someone is a hepatitis B carrier. Immunization requires three doses of vaccine according to the following schedule:  · 1st dose: For infants born to infected mothers - within 12 hours. For infants born to mothers who test negative - within one to two months following delivery.  · 2nd dose: 1 month later  · 3rd dose: 6 months after the first dose.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Philosophy of love Essay -- essays research papers

Some people believe that there is no such thing as â€Å"true love† they believe that love is nothing but an illusion designed by social expectations. These people believe that love ultimately turns into pain and despair. This idea in some ways is true. Love is not eternal it will come to an end one way or another, but the aspect that separates true love from illusion, is the way love ends. â€Å"True Love† is much too powerful to be destroyed by Human imperfection; it may only be destroyed by a force equal to the power of love. Diotima believed that â€Å"Love is wanting to posses the good forever† In other words love is the desire to be immortal and the only way that we are able to obtain immortality is through reproduction, and since the act of reproduction is a form of sexual love, then sexual love is in fact a vital part of â€Å"True love†. Sexual love is not eternal. This lust for pleasure will soon fade, but the part of love that is immortal, is a plutonic love. You can relate this theory to the birth of love that Diotima talks about. She says that love was born by a mortal mother and immortal father. The mother represents the sexual love, the lust for pleasure. The father represents the plutonic love that is immortal. Plutonic love is defined as a true friendship, the purest of all relationships. A true plutonic love will never die; it transcends time, space, and even death. Platonic love is in my opinion, the most important and vital aspect of love. Without platonic love people are ...

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Bread Baking an American Pasttime

Baking bread at home can be both fun and rewarding. There is no better way to create a wholesome and welcoming atmosphere than by baking a fresh loaf of milk bread or having guest walk into a room that smells of cooling banana bread. Although bread making has been a part of American culture for centuries today’s fast paced lifestyles has all but eliminated the art of making breads at home. However, it only takes a little flour and some kitchen know-how to revive this tradition for domestic excellence. There are two main types of breads, yeast breads and quick breads.Yeast breads are the airy, light and fluffy breads that are used for sandwiches and dinner rolls. Quick breads generally have fruit or nuts in them and have a denser composition. One of the easiest and most rewarding types of yeast bread is milk bread. Milk bread is a great place for the novice bread maker to start. It is easy and only requires milk, flour, salt, sugar and yeast, (All Recipes, n. d. ). In addition to the simple ingredients as the baker gains experience variations on this recipe can be made to include various cheeses, herbs or grains.Another type of yeast bread that has become a staple in kitchens across America is a simple country French bread. This bread is often long and crusty and it goes great with soups or dishes with heavy sauces. Country French bread takes more time than milk bread but by using recipes similar to the one listed on www. breadworld. com, bread makers both professionals and beginners can produce the flaky classic. Other types of breads that can be made at home include quick breads.These breads are called quick breads because they do not require the time that yeast breads need to rise. Common quick breads include banana bread, apple date bread or sour dough. Find amateur recipes for these breads at www. thejoykitchen. com. References All Recipes (n. d. ). Milk Bread. Retrieved April 6, 2009, from www. allrecipes. com Fleischman’s Rapid Rise Yeast (n . d. ). Country French Bread. Retrieved April 6, 2009, from www. breadworld. com The Joy of Cooking Cookbook (n. d. ). Quick Breads. Retrieved April 06, 2009, from www. thejoykitchen. com

Friday, August 16, 2019

Lord Alfred Tennyson’s Crossing the Bar Essay

Lord Alfred Tennyson’s Crossing the Bar is an allegory of death, imagined as a journey on an infinite sea. The speaker in the poem, who is the author himself, muses on the call that urges him to â€Å"cross the bar†. The whole work is therefore constructed on this principal metaphor, the crossing of the sand barrier and the plunge into the infinite journey on the sea. What is significant in the poem is the way in which Tennyson perceives death. While death is usually perceived as closure, in Crossing the Bar it is understood as a religious encounter. Death is not only the resolution of earthly life but also the beginning of the afterlife. The imagery of the poem is extremely suggestive for the death theme. Notably, the poet does not focus on the end of life and the pain of separation, but only on the experience that expects him after death. The fact that death is pictured as a threshold and afterlife as a vast sea indicates that the author embarks on this journey without regret. The journey is meant to begin at twilight, which again alludes to the end of life and the beginning of a new experience: â€Å"Twilight and evening bell, / And after that the dark! † (Tennyson 203). The poet also emphasizes that there should be no mourning to accompany him, as he crosses the bar. This idea enhances the poet’s optimistic view of death. The only sound to be heard, that of the dormant tide, is also symbolic. First of all, the drowsiness of the sea emphasizes the idea of death. Also, the retractile movement of the waves expresses the idea that the idea that the traveler will not return from his voyage this time. Death will only be the beginning of eternity and the poet will find the divinity on the other side: For tho from out our borne of Time and Place The flood may bare me far, I hope to see my Pilot face to face When I have crost the bar. (Tennyson 203) The place after death cannot be mapped by earthly coordinates, such as time and place. Interestingly however, there remains one valid landmark which ensures that the poet will never get lost or suffer in solitude: the pilot. The pilot is obviously a symbol for the spiritual guidance offered by the divinity in both earthly existence and in the afterlife. Thus, Tennyson’s Crossing the Bar is a metaphorical representation of death, as a voyage into the infinite unknown. The sand bar represents death, while the unlimited sea is the symbol of everlasting life. The most striking figure of the poem is the pilot, an image of the divinity, who awaits the poet on the other side. The boundless sea lacks any earthly coordinates, while it retains only that of spiritual guidance. Through this poem, Tennyson represents death as a passage into a purely spiritual life, guided by God. ? Works Cited: Tennyson, Lord Alfred. Selected Poems (New Oxford English Series). New York: Oxford University Press, 1963.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Locked in the Cabinet

Written by the 22nd Labor Secretary of the United States Robert Reich, Locked in the Cabinet appears to be written with noble goals and intentions. That is, â€Å"to bridge the widening gap between the rich and the poor.† Robert Reich is a friend of former United States President Bill Clinton for 25 years and ended having extremely opposing views. He turned out to be a disillusioned member of Clinton’s cabinet. He pointed out the failure of Clinton’s administration to fulfill its intended aims and roles for the benefit of its constituents. The book was packaged like a journal with entries with their specific dates. The journal was dated on the four year span of the first term of Bill Clinton. The book displays a fragmentary-like form of a daily account with the specified time when the event occurred. In this book, he used a string of metaphors to present his points in a creative way, perhaps. In the book, Clinton was treated with hesitation. Reich did not deliberately stated â€Å"President Bill Clinton† in the book. He would refer to a certain â€Å"Bill† who, he said, his longtime friend. He was, perhaps, also considering their friendship while criticizing the leadership of his very own close friend. It is commendable that Reich aims for bridging the gap between the rich and poor. He stressed his being a liberal who has always been ready to fight for the rights of their constituents. For him, being liberal is giving an individual his rights. He stressed the importance of giving such because it is the main role and function of the government, anyway. As a liberal labor secretary, he advocated the rights of every worker especially their right for a wage increase. He even tried to convince company owners and manufacturers not  to use their powers against the striking workers. These workers are just airing their rights and sentiments, in the first place. Pertaining to the legitimate role and functions of the government in a private enterprise economy, he stressed out the role of the government on giving the outright benefits that a worker should have. He pushed for wage increase among the workers in the United States. He stressed the importance of some sort of â€Å"government intervention† in pushing for the rights of the workers. Even if Clinton is his longtime and close friend, it did not stop him in voicing out his criticisms towards Clinton’s unsatisfactory leadership through his book. He said that Clinton’s administration did not know what should be prioritized and seemed to forget what the purpose of his coming to Washington. He related that Clinton had the leadership but did not have the enough courage to take effect what is best for the people. But then, his disappointment over Clinton’s policies and administration has always been overshadowed by his affection towards his longtime friend. He views contemporary American policies as a â€Å"disaster† which does not actually respond to the actual needs of their constituents. He bluntly criticized everything he thinks not in the right place. I totally agree with his concept of liberalism. He cares for the â€Å"liberation† of every individual’s rights. He put forth the importance of giving everyone of what is due to him. As a statesman, it just right for him to have the heart for the oppressed and not for the oppressor. He has showed concern for the advantage of the people. It is just that he was â€Å"locked in the cabinet.† He implied that limitations of being a member of a cabinet. It might appear that cabinet members have all the power to take effect pro-people policies and actions, but then, they are subjected to the bureaucracy’s approval. He used many underlying themes in his book. This somewhat gave a twist on the sharp opinions that he wants to present. He admitted that he is indeed a frustrated secretary who wished that everyone would hear his and the society’s plight. Reich’s book is really informative. It is amazing how he is able to present such controversial revelations given that Clinton is his very close friend. He presented his point bravely leaving no missed point behind. I guess he just showed an objective setting of the situation of Clinton’s administration and the United States government system in general, particularly to the labor sector. With no doubt, he showed, through his book, his deep concern for people. On the other hand, the book, behind its impressing underlying themes, also received criticisms, perhaps from those who were behind the administration of Clinton. They claimed that Reich’s work was just like a fictional work and even claimed that it is a mere propaganda. They added that Reich’s claim were not realistic at all. Well, I guess, they just have to see the bigger picture. I believe that Reich has noble goals and aims as he presented his points in the book. Undeniably, Reich’s book deserves a commendation. He did his work well as the labor secretary fighting for the workers’ rights. People in the government should get a copy of his book immediately. Reference: Reich, R. (1997). Locked in the Cabinet (1st ed.). Norwalk, CT: Easton Press.                   Â